Atkins & Anderson DDS Blog

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After years of wearing your favorite jeans, they get worn out. The color fades, and the seams stretch, threads come loose around the knee. Unfortunately, this is normal. And after wearing them one more time, you know it’s time to throw them out. Over years of use which results in natural wear and tear, the function of your teeth diminishes and their color fades. The good news is, unlike your jeans, you don’t have to discard your teeth—you can restore them! Atkins and Anderson Dentistry offers...
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You know dentures are in your future but you’re unsure what the process looks like. Or maybe you’re curious about the benefits of dentures. If you’ve ever wondered how to keep your mouth healthy with dentures, or what options you have when it comes to dentures, you’re in the right place! Anderson & Atkins Dentistry is here to answer your questions about dentures. We want you to be informed and confident as you take this next dental step.
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Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to restore a missing tooth or a section of teeth that helps to prevent jaw bone loss.
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Atkins & Anderson DDS - Bryan/College Station, Texas


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