You’ve made your list and checked it twice. You’ve thought of everyone and chosen the perfect gift for your friends, family, and coworkers. But what about yourself? Maybe you’ve snagged your favorite chocolate bar to stow in your stocking, but we’re here to give you a few gift ideas for your teeth. That’s right, your teeth! They are often overlooked but very important to your overall health, so why not remember them this Christmas? Your gift to your teeth includes foods to avoid and foods to enjoy! Make the most of this holiday season and ensure your teeth are healthy enough to ring in the New Year.
Foods to Avoid:
- Sweets: Overflowing at every holiday party, sweets are hard to resist this time of year. However, their prime ingredient—sugar—is a known cause of tooth decay. If you do indulge in cookies, cakes, candy, or pie this Christmas, rinse and brush your mouth afterward to protect your teeth.
- Carbonation: Fizzy drinks are often filled with sugar, but diet sodas are also very acidic. The acid can cause the enamel on your teeth to erode. We recommend using a straw if you choose to drink sodas.
- Wine: Also, an acidic drink, white wine can lead to enamel erosion. On the contrary, red wine may stain your pearly whites. Rather than sipping a glass of wine throughout the day, drink a glass with your meal.
Foods to Enjoy:
- Cheese: The perfect pairing to wine for many reasons. Our favorite? The calcium in cheese balances your mouth’s PH and reduces the effects wine has on your teeth.
- Veggies: Bring a veggie tray to your next holiday party so you can munch on broccoli and carrots. These veggies are high in vitamin A which strengthens tooth enamel. Raw veggies also massage your gums while you eat them, increasing blood flow and cleaning your teeth.
- Nuts: Most nuts are high in vitamins and minerals that promote teeth and gum health.
- Turkey: Christmas dinner can be more than just delicious! Turkey is an excellent source of protein and rich in phosphorus. Proteins reduce the risk of tooth decay, helping your teeth stay strong and your mouth stay healthy.
- Water: Water flushes bacteria from your mouth and encourages a healthy digestive system. Choose water as much as possible, but if you drink an alcoholic beverage or soda, rotate them with a glass of water.
Enjoy this holiday season, but remember to take care of your teeth in the process. Another great gift idea for your mouth? An intensive cleaning and check-up to make sure every tooth is healthy. Contact us to schedule an appointment with Anderson and Atkins, DDS today.
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Helping your child develop the healthy habit of brushing their teeth can be challenging. Boredom is one of the main reasons kids push back against brushing their teeth, so why not find a way to make the process fun? Here are four tips to encourage your kids to brush their teeth. Sing a Song or