Your enjoyable dental experience depends on your comfort. Atkins & Anderson Dentistry utilizes advances in dental equipment and techniques to ensure your satisfaction with both your visit and continued dental health.
We offer digital radiographs (x-rays). Digital radiographs use less radiation and are safer for you than traditional radiographs. You will find that we researched the latest technology to find the solutions that promote your overall health, safety and comfort. Radiographs are a necessary diagnostic tool in the field of dentistry. More than half of each tooth is hidden and surrounded by bone. The only way to truly evaluate the health of your teeth and bone surrounding your teeth is through the necessary diagnostic radiographs.
Our intraoral camera lets you see inside your mouth during both treatment planning and dental procedures. Our intraoral camera displays your teeth on a monitor allowing your dentist to walk you through proposed treatment. The use of this camera allows us to work with you as a team to meet your dental goals.