Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
17 Jan, 2023
Atkins & Anderson,
Oral Health,
Protect Your Teeth,
ADA Seal,
Teeth Needs,
Freshen Breath |
Dental Health,
Dental Tips |
When it comes to choosing the right toothpaste, the choice can be overwhelming. Not every toothpaste is equal, so we’ll help you make the toothpaste decision that’s right for you. At Atkins & Anderson, DDS, we recommend these 7 toothpaste options that will not lead you astray.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
16 Nov, 2022
Atkins and Anderson DDS,
Dental Surgery,
Wisdom Teeth Removal,
What Wisdom Teeth Are,
Why Remove Wisdom Teeth,
Recovery Time,
Foods to Eat,
Procedure |
Dental Services,
Dental Health |
Why is it necessary for young adults to have their wisdom teeth removed in the first place? At Atkins and Anderson, DDs, we’re here to answer all your wisdom teeth questions, from pre-surgery to recovery.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
18 Oct, 2022
Atkins and Anderson DDS,
Tooth Sensitivity,
Sensitive Teeth,
Oral Hygiene Routine |
Dental Health |
Many people believe that tooth sensitivity is an unavoidable and untreatable genetic problem. However, you can take steps today to protect your teeth and find relief from tooth sensitivity. Make an appointment today at Atkins and Anderson, DDS if you have sensitive teeth and want to discover what the underlying issue is.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
19 Aug, 2022
Atkins Anderson DDS,
Dental Services,
Damaging Treats,
Harmful Drinks,
Daily Habits,
Oral Health |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Dental Health |
If you want to increase your oral hygiene and further shield your teeth from cavities, you may need to evaluate your other habits. To give your teeth the best chance to stay healthy, schedule an appointment with Atkins & Anderson, DDS. Our team will go over your daily habits and the risks they play in your oral health.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
21 Jun, 2022
Oral Health,
Dry Mouth,
Swollen Gums,
Atkins and Anderson Dentistry |
Dental Health |
Saliva is helpful and necessary for a healthy mouth. So, if you’re experiencing dry mouth on a regular basis, it’s time to schedule a dental appointment. Our team at Atkins and Anderson Dentistry is here to help you successfully take care of your teeth and gums and work to prevent cavities and gum disease from forming.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
14 Apr, 2022
Bryan/College Station,
Brushing your teeth,
Dental Health,
Dentist Appointment,
Oral Health,
Routine Cleaning,
Excessive Pain,
Changes in Your Gums,
Uncomfortable to Eat,
Dry Mouth,
Jaw Pain,
Spots and Sores in Your Mouth,
Atkins and Anderson Dentistry |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Dental Health |
Maybe you’re meticulous about brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and scheduling a cleaning twice a year with your dentist. Keep it up! This is the best practice to avoid and prevent oral health problems. But how do you know if it’s time to make an appointment outside of routine cleaning? Below is a list of 8 signs that it’s time to call your dentist. If you notice at least one of these issues, don’t wait. Our team at Atkins and Anderson Dentistry is here to serve you and help y...
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At Atkins and Anderson Dentistry, we want you to be proud of your smile and your Christmas cards. There are several options that are both safe and effective when it comes to whitening your teeth and we can help you make the decision that’s right for you.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
18 Aug, 2021
Dental Health,
Children's Dental Needs,
Dental Care,
Healthy Teeth,
Healthy Habits,
Oral Care,
Family Dentistry,
College Station,
Atkins and Anderson Dentistry |
Pediatric Dentistry,
Dental Health,
Dental Tips |
During this busy time, many people forget about the importance of taking care of their children’s dental needs. But the start of the new school year is a great time to revamp your oral care habits and prioritize a healthy mouth. Here are three tips you can do today to get your children (and their teeth) ready for the school year.
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Did you know that your baby is born with all 20 primary teeth? They’re just nestled below the gumline until your child is about 6 months old. The teeth begin to come through between 6 to 12 months, and most children have their full set of teeth by the time they are 3 years old. This can be an uncomfortable time for your baby, but there are several things you can do to help alleviate your baby’s pain.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
20 Apr, 2021
tight jaw,
lock jaw,
teeth grinding,
rheumatoid arthritis,
Atkins and Anderson Dentistry |
Dental Health,
Dental Tips,
Nutrition |
The lingering pain from a tight jaw often causes discomfort in other parts of your body like your head, neck, ears, teeth, or face. The pain may also oscillate between throbbing, aching, or severe. Typically, a tight jaw is a culprit of a jaw joint that suddenly locks, clicking noises in your jaw, or a limited range of motion when you try to open your mouth. Tightness in your jaw is not something you should ignore. In many cases, there are at-home remedies to reduce the pain and preventative mea...
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