Atkins & Anderson DDS Blog

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Are Christmas cookies a part of your holiday tradition? Do you have an annual day of baking delicious treats with recipes passed down from generations before you? If peppermint bark, chocolate fudge, iced sugar cookies, hot cocoa or spiced cider are just a few of your favorite splurges, then indulge us for a moment.
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We often underestimate the dangers of the holiday season. There are several scenarios that may warrant a dental emergency. You chip a tooth on grandma’s peanut brittle. Your cousin doesn’t understand the rules of flag football and your tooth is knocked out by a tackle. Extreme pain from pesky pot roast stuck between your teeth. But how do you know when it’s time to call your dentist?
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You use your toothbrush twice a day every day, but do you give it much thought? Do you browse the toothbrush aisle in the same way you browse for a new pair of shoes? Probably not. In most cases, we grab a toothbrush, use it every day, but don’t consider whether or not it’s effectively cleaning our teeth.
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Believe it or not, there is a right way to brush your teeth! You have been brushing your teeth twice a day for most of your life and you may be doing it wrong. Brushing your teeth the correct way keeps your gums healthier and your mouth cleaner. Today is a new day, so learn the best way to brush your teeth and put it into practice. You’ll be glad you did!
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Are you concerned that your child will have to experience the physical and emotional pain you went through when metal brackets overshadowed your winning smile? It doesn’t have to be painful for you or your children. At Anderson & Atkins DDS, we’ll help prepare you—and your kids—for braces.
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For athletes at the professional level, losing a tooth during a game might be a price of playing and rite of passage, but for the average hobbyist, losing a tooth can be a traumatic and expensive endeavor. In actuality, the cost of preventing such an injury is much more cost effective.
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It’s that time again. Days are a bit shorter and the school supply aisles are stocked and ready to go. Before you pack your child’s backpack and send them off to their first day of school, make sure to remember to add a dental check-up to your back-to-school list.
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You’ve packed your bags, traveled to your destination, and are ready to embark on adventure until the unthinkable happens; you have a dental emergency.
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Oh, the cavity – an ailment that most have probably encountered at some point or another. Whether it was an overdose of sugar as a kid, or neglecting to brush as an adult, cavities can affect all ages, and no one is immune. However, how do these pesky things take root, how do you know if you have one, and what are the best ways to prevent them from popping up again?
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Having problems with oral health? Chances are, you aren't the only one. The best way to avoid embarrassing dental issues is to schedule regular dental examinations and check-ups and maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet. However, following these oral hygiene commandments isn't always enough.
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Atkins & Anderson DDS - Bryan/College Station, Texas


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